SKU: 51716
Barcode: 2N14OB00073
Lito mini is a compact lamp and battery pack concealed as a handsomely crafted, hard-cover book. Open it and it transforms into a sculptural light, radiating a warm glow. You can open it as little or as much as you want, up to 360 degrees, allowing you to have just the right amount of light for the occasion.
Together with inter-changeable magnetic spines, built-in charging cables and battery power indicators, this makes Lito mini the perfect travel companion, whether you’re heading off around the globe or a day out in the countryside.
Lito mini’s pleated Tyvek pages are durable and water-resistant, and its rechargeable lithium ion battery allows for wireless power for up to eight hours. The battery pack provides up to 3 times power for a standard iPhone.
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