Flying Leap Games
SKU: 50238
Barcode: 866401000458
What's the most ostentatious thing at a bar/bat mitzvah? What's the most common thing Sephardim say about Ashkenazi food?
Dive into hilarious questions about Jewish culture and religion. From Broadway to bagels, this game, covers it all... and will have you laughing and debating the BIGGEST questions facing Jews today.
Don't forget the snacks!
Players vote on their answers to subjective, multiple choice questions about Jewish culture and Judaism. A representative from the majority and each minority opinion then take turns defending why THEIR answer is 45 seconds or less. The game brings laughs, silly debates, and funny memories to players. Jewish Card Revoked appeals to secular Jews, Orthodox Jews, Jews in between (and even tested well with non Jewish groups!). The game is family friendly.
Game Contents
Rules Cards
82 Question Cards
6 sets of Voting Cards
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