Amazing area mazes media thumbnails
Cover of 'Amazing Area Mazes' featuring bold text and a stopwatch graphic. It states '70 race-the-clock puzzles for budding math wizards, ages 8 and up'. Includes a visual of maze-like shapes with dimensions indicated.
The back cover of 'Amazing Area Mazes' featuring a vibrant orange background. It invites users to race against the clock to solve 70 math puzzles involving areas of squares and rectangles. The layout includes visual examples and a note about the puzzles created by Naoki Inaba, emphasizing fun and skill-building in grade-school math. Encouragement is given with ratings for solving times: Good job, Great, Amazing!

Amazing area mazes

Workman Publishing Co SKU: 42790 Barcode: 9781615196180


Race the clock to solve 70 fun puzzles with grade-school math—and genius logic!

Welcome, brave math wizard, to the world of area mazes. These clever grids of squares and rectangles are more than meets the eye. Can you find the missing value—using only your powers to add, subtract, multiply, and divide? Just remember: Area = Length x Width

Too easy? Race the clock! Puzzle master Naoki Inaba has included three target times for every maze. But don’t worry if you get stuck sometimes . . . just keep at it, and you’ll get better and better. Soon, you’ll be amazing!

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