Einstein Riddle Week of 7/25/23
Alina Whatley
Bring in the correct answer to this riddle during the week of 7/25 - 7/31 for 10% off of an item in store! Consider this sequence of numbers: 86 --> 48 --> 32 --> ___ . What number comes next? Good Luck!
Einstein Riddle Week of 7/18/23
retail staff
Bring in the correct answer to this riddle during the week of 7/18 - 7/24 for 10% off of an item in store! Viv and Kat are playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. Viv plays Rock 3 times, Scissors 6 times, and Paper 2 times. Kat plays Rock 2 times, Scissors 5...
Einstein Riddle Week of 7/11/23
retail staff
Bring in the correct answer to this riddle during the week of 7/11 - 7/17 for 10% off of an item in store! Consider the image above, and the missing squares. Complete the vertical three letter words by filling in the empty squares to reveal a word across the middle...